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Primary. Cinnamon & White selected as Highlights. Made executive adjustments.", "Location": "Ground Plane", "Above Ground Sighter Measurement": "FALSE", "Specific Location": "", "Running": "false", "Chasing": "false", "Climbing": "true", "Eating": "false", "Foraging": "false", "Other Activities": "", "Kuks": "false", "Quaas": "false", "Moans": "false", "Tail flags": "false", "Tail twitches": "true", "Approaches": "false", "Indifferent": "false", "Runs from": "true", "Other Interactions": "", "Lat/Long": "POINT (-73.9794118234651 40.7674495540569)", "Zip Codes": "", "Community Districts": "19", "Borough Boundaries": "4", "City Council Districts": "19", "Police Precincts": "13"} {"rowid": 2916, "Longitude": "-73.9517525111679", "Latitude": "40.7974407641075", "Unique Squirrel ID": "42G-PM-1014-02", "Hectare": "42G", "Shift": "PM", "Date": "10142018", "Hectare Squirrel Number": "2", "Age": "Adult", "Primary Fur Color": "Gray", "Highlight Fur Color": "Cinnamon, White", "Combination of Primary and Highlight Color": "Gray+Cinnamon, White", "Color notes": "", "Location": "Above Ground", "Above Ground Sighter Measurement": "14", "Specific Location": "", "Running": "false", "Chasing": "false", "Climbing": "true", "Eating": "true", "Foraging": "false", "Other Activities": "", "Kuks": "false", "Quaas": "false", "Moans": "false", "Tail flags": "false", "Tail twitches": "false", "Approaches": "false", "Indifferent": "true", "Runs from": "false", "Other Interactions": "", "Lat/Long": "POINT (-73.9517525111679 40.7974407641075)", "Zip Codes": "", "Community Districts": "19", "Borough Boundaries": "4", "City Council Districts": "19", "Police Precincts": "13"} {"rowid": 2474, "Longitude": "-73.9721448879766", "Latitude": "40.7762112840981", "Unique Squirrel ID": "13C-AM-1010-02", "Hectare": "13C", "Shift": "AM", "Date": "10102018", "Hectare Squirrel Number": "2", "Age": "Adult", "Primary Fur Color": "Gray", "Highlight Fur Color": "Cinnamon, White", "Combination of Primary and Highlight Color": "Gray+Cinnamon, White", "Color notes": "", "Location": "Above Ground", "Above Ground Sighter Measurement": "7", "Specific Location": "", "Running": "false", "Chasing": "false", "Climbing": "true", "Eating": "false", "Foraging": "false", "Other Activities": "burying", "Kuks": "false", "Quaas": "false", "Moans": "false", "Tail flags": "false", "Tail twitches": "false", "Approaches": "false", "Indifferent": "true", "Runs from": "false", "Other Interactions": "", "Lat/Long": "POINT (-73.9721448879766 40.7762112840981)", "Zip Codes": "", "Community Districts": "19", "Borough Boundaries": "4", "City Council Districts": "19", "Police Precincts": "13"} {"rowid": 3013, "Longitude": "-73.964661337306", "Latitude": "40.7769785494935", "Unique Squirrel ID": "17I-AM-1014-03", "Hectare": "17I", "Shift": "AM", "Date": "10142018", "Hectare Squirrel Number": "3", "Age": "Adult", "Primary Fur Color": "Gray", "Highlight Fur Color": "Cinnamon, White", "Combination of Primary and Highlight Color": "Gray+Cinnamon, White", "Color notes": "Cinnamon face", "Location": "Above Ground", "Above Ground Sighter Measurement": "10", "Specific Location": "", "Running": "false", "Chasing": "false", "Climbing": "true", "Eating": "false", "Foraging": "false", "Other Activities": "climbing (dog barked & it ran up tree)", "Kuks": "false", "Quaas": "false", "Moans": "false", "Tail flags": "false", "Tail twitches": "false", "Approaches": "false", "Indifferent": "true", "Runs from": "false", "Other Interactions": "", "Lat/Long": "POINT (-73.964661337306 40.7769785494935)", "Zip Codes": "", "Community Districts": "19", "Borough Boundaries": "4", "City Council Districts": "19", "Police Precincts": "13"} {"rowid": 3017, "Longitude": "-73.9662895079734", "Latitude": "40.7843300758044", "Unique Squirrel ID": "23C-AM-1019-01", "Hectare": "23C", "Shift": "AM", "Date": "10192018", "Hectare Squirrel Number": "1", "Age": "Adult", "Primary Fur Color": "Gray", "Highlight Fur Color": "Cinnamon, White", "Combination of Primary and Highlight Color": "Gray+Cinnamon, White", "Color notes": "Gray & Cinnamon selected as Primary. Gray, Cinnamon & White selected as Highlights. Made executive adjustments.", "Location": "Above Ground", "Above Ground Sighter Measurement": "7", "Specific Location": "", "Running": "false", "Chasing": "false", "Climbing": "true", "Eating": "true", "Foraging": "false", "Other Activities": "eating (on branch)", "Kuks": "true", "Quaas": "false", "Moans": "false", "Tail flags": "false", "Tail twitches": "false", "Approaches": "false", "Indifferent": "true", "Runs from": "false", "Other Interactions": "", "Lat/Long": "POINT (-73.9662895079734 40.7843300758044)", "Zip Codes": "", "Community Districts": "19", "Borough Boundaries": "4", "City Council Districts": "19", "Police Precincts": "13"} {"rowid": 288, "Longitude": "-73.9731113265165", "Latitude": "40.7786640676355", "Unique Squirrel ID": "15A-PM-1017-01", "Hectare": "15A", "Shift": "PM", "Date": "10172018", "Hectare Squirrel Number": "1", "Age": "Adult", "Primary Fur Color": "Gray", "Highlight Fur Color": "Cinnamon, White", "Combination of Primary and Highlight Color": "Gray+Cinnamon, White", "Color notes": "", "Location": "Above Ground", "Above Ground Sighter Measurement": "10", "Specific Location": "", "Running": "false", "Chasing": "false", "Climbing": "true", "Eating": "true", "Foraging": "false", "Other Activities": "eating in tree", "Kuks": "false", "Quaas": "false", "Moans": "false", "Tail flags": "false", "Tail twitches": "false", "Approaches": "false", "Indifferent": "true", "Runs from": "false", "Other Interactions": "", "Lat/Long": "POINT (-73.9731113265165 40.7786640676355)", "Zip Codes": "", "Community Districts": "19", "Borough Boundaries": "4", "City Council Districts": "19", "Police Precincts": "13"} {"rowid": 1595, "Longitude": "-73.9754696312232", "Latitude": "40.768191647092", "Unique Squirrel ID": "4E-AM-1020-02", "Hectare": "04E", "Shift": "AM", "Date": "10202018", "Hectare Squirrel Number": "2", "Age": "Adult", "Primary Fur Color": "Gray", "Highlight Fur Color": "Cinnamon, White", "Combination of Primary and Highlight Color": "Gray+Cinnamon, White", "Color notes": "White selected as Primary. Cinnamon selected as Highlights. Made executive adjustments.", "Location": "Above Ground", "Above Ground Sighter Measurement": "15", "Specific Location": "", "Running": "false", "Chasing": "false", "Climbing": "true", "Eating": "false", "Foraging": "true", "Other Activities": "foraging (on the tree itself)", "Kuks": "false", "Quaas": "false", "Moans": "false", "Tail flags": "false", "Tail twitches": "false", "Approaches": "false", "Indifferent": "true", "Runs from": "false", "Other Interactions": "", "Lat/Long": "POINT (-73.9754696312232 40.768191647092)", "Zip Codes": "", "Community Districts": "19", "Borough Boundaries": "4", "City Council Districts": "19", "Police Precincts": "13"} {"rowid": 243, "Longitude": "-73.9754778808471", "Latitude": "40.7685619029765", "Unique Squirrel ID": "4E-AM-1020-01", "Hectare": "04E", "Shift": "AM", "Date": "10202018", "Hectare Squirrel Number": "1", "Age": "Adult", "Primary Fur Color": "Gray", "Highlight Fur Color": "Cinnamon, White", "Combination of Primary and Highlight Color": "Gray+Cinnamon, White", "Color notes": "White selected as Primary. Cinnamon selected as Highlights. Made executive adjustments.", "Location": "Above Ground", "Above Ground Sighter Measurement": "7", "Specific Location": "", "Running": "false", "Chasing": "false", "Climbing": "true", "Eating": "false", "Foraging": "false", "Other Activities": "sitting very still", "Kuks": "false", "Quaas": "false", "Moans": "false", "Tail flags": "false", "Tail twitches": "false", "Approaches": "false", "Indifferent": "true", "Runs from": "false", "Other Interactions": "", "Lat/Long": "POINT (-73.9754778808471 40.7685619029765)", "Zip Codes": "", "Community Districts": "19", "Borough Boundaries": "4", "City Council Districts": "19", "Police Precincts": "13"}