
19 rows where Eating = "true" and Kuks = "true"

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Suggested facets: Hectare, Shift, Date, Hectare Squirrel Number, Age, Primary Fur Color, Highlight Fur Color, Combination of Primary and Highlight Color, Color notes, Location, Above Ground Sighter Measurement, Specific Location, Running, Chasing, Climbing, Foraging, Other Activities, Quaas, Tail flags, Tail twitches, Approaches, Indifferent, Runs from, Other Interactions


  • true · 19


  • true · 19
Link rowid ▼ Longitude Latitude Unique Squirrel ID Hectare Shift Date Hectare Squirrel Number Age Primary Fur Color Highlight Fur Color Combination of Primary and Highlight Color Color notes Location Above Ground Sighter Measurement Specific Location Running Chasing Climbing Eating Foraging Other Activities Kuks Quaas Moans Tail flags Tail twitches Approaches Indifferent Runs from Other Interactions Lat/Long Zip Codes Community Districts Borough Boundaries City Council Districts Police Precincts
643 -73.976730206737 40.773709213914 8A-PM-1014-01 08A PM 10142018 1 Adult Gray White Gray+White   Ground Plane FALSE   false false true true false   true false false false false false false true runs from (goes up a tree) POINT (-73.976730206737 40.773709213914)   19 4 19 13
740 -73.9583477850634 40.7914073632782 33F-PM-1012-06 33F PM 10122018 6 Adult Gray Cinnamon, White Gray+Cinnamon, White   Ground Plane FALSE   false true false true true   true false false false true false false false   POINT (-73.9583477850634 40.7914073632782)   19 4 19 13
743 -73.9565035705619 40.7937382705056 36F-AM-1017-04 36F AM 10172018 4 Juvenile Gray White Gray+White White legs, front & back Ground Plane FALSE   true false false true true   true false false false false true false true approaches (me),runs from (me) POINT (-73.9565035705619 40.7937382705056)   19 4 19 13
1250 -73.9585133340331 40.7963721679474 38C-PM-1014-03 38C PM 10142018 3 Adult Gray Cinnamon Gray+Cinnamon   Ground Plane FALSE   false false false true true   true false false false false false false true   POINT (-73.9585133340331 40.7963721679474)   19 4 19 13
1381 -73.9586077039567 40.7961896477077 38C-AM-1019-10 38C AM 10192018 10 Adult Gray White Gray+White   Above Ground 20   true false true true false   true false false false true false false true   POINT (-73.9586077039567 40.7961896477077)   19 4 19 13
1410 -73.9587913289229 40.7961707624534 38C-AM-1019-11 38C AM 10192018 11 Adult Gray White Gray+White   Above Ground 20   true false true true false   true false false false true false false true   POINT (-73.9587913289229 40.7961707624534)   19 4 19 13
1436 -73.9766779585686 40.7669673778105 2E-AM-1010-04 02E AM 10102018 4 Juvenile Gray Cinnamon, White Gray+Cinnamon, White   Ground Plane FALSE   false false false true false   true false false false false false true false   POINT (-73.9766779585686 40.7669673778105)   19 4 19 13
1449 -73.9561124892063 40.7949440648632 37E-AM-1013-04 37E AM 10132018 4 Adult Gray Cinnamon, White Gray+Cinnamon, White   Above Ground 8   false false true true false   true false false false false false false true   POINT (-73.9561124892063 40.7949440648632)   19 4 19 13
1502 -73.9705254801 40.7763606494306 13E-AM-1017-03 13E AM 10172018 3 Adult Gray White Gray+White   Ground Plane FALSE   false false false true true   true false false false false false false true acknowledges POINT (-73.9705254801 40.7763606494306)   19 4 19 13
1514 -73.9548006161673 40.7945503341011 38G-PM-1020-08 38G PM 10202018 8 Adult Gray Cinnamon, White Gray+Cinnamon, White   Ground Plane FALSE   false false false true true   true false false true false false true false   POINT (-73.9548006161673 40.7945503341011)   19 4 19 13
1574 -73.9561840935803 40.7992037821497 42C-PM-1013-05 42C PM 10132018 5 Adult Gray   Gray+   Above Ground 20   false false false true false   true false false false false false true false   POINT (-73.9561840935803 40.7992037821497)   19 4 19 13
1774 -73.9668909481942 40.7841298584027 22C-PM-1006-12 22C PM 10062018 12 Adult Gray   Gray+   Ground Plane FALSE   false false false true false   true false false false false false false false human friendly POINT (-73.9668909481942 40.7841298584027)   19 4 19 13
1971 -73.9591880400132 40.7950071252836 36C-PM-1013-02 36C PM 10132018 2 Adult Gray   Gray+   Ground Plane FALSE Clearing near bike path (bikes active) false true false true true   true true false false true false true false   POINT (-73.95918804001322 40.7950071252836)   19 4 19 13
2005 -73.9755259087781 40.7707256124181 6D-AM-1008-01 06D AM 10082018 1 Adult Cinnamon White Cinnamon+White   Above Ground 10   false false true true false   true false false false false true false false   POINT (-73.9755259087781 40.7707256124181)   19 4 19 13
2195 -73.955352152771 40.7988549523022 42D-AM-1014-01 42D AM 10142018 1 Adult Gray Cinnamon, White Gray+Cinnamon, White   Above Ground 20   false false true true false   true false false false false false true false   POINT (-73.955352152771 40.7988549523022)   19 4 19 13
2300 -73.9789251806378 40.7699558513225 4B-AM-1010-02 04B AM 10102018 2 Juvenile Cinnamon Gray, White Cinnamon+Gray, White   Above Ground 30   false false true true true   true false false false false false true false   POINT (-73.9789251806378 40.7699558513225)   19 4 19 13
2478 -73.9674931070324 40.7783693690954 17F-AM-1007-04 17F AM 10072018 4 Adult Cinnamon White Cinnamon+White   Above Ground 4   false false false true false chilling true false false false false false true false   POINT (-73.9674931070324 40.7783693690954)   19 4 19 13
2515 -73.9693338657183 40.7757055884538 13F-PM-1008-05 13F PM 10082018 5 Adult Gray Cinnamon Gray+Cinnamon   Above Ground 2 tree trunk true false false true true   true false false false true false false false   POINT (-73.9693338657183 40.77570558845381)   19 4 19 13
3017 -73.9662895079734 40.7843300758044 23C-AM-1019-01 23C AM 10192018 1 Adult Gray Cinnamon, White Gray+Cinnamon, White Gray & Cinnamon selected as Primary. Gray, Cinnamon & White selected as Highlights. Made executive adjustments. Above Ground 7   false false true true false eating (on branch) true false false false false false true false   POINT (-73.9662895079734 40.7843300758044)   19 4 19 13

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE squirrels(
  "Longitude" TEXT,
  "Latitude" TEXT,
  "Unique Squirrel ID" TEXT,
  "Hectare" TEXT,
  "Shift" TEXT,
  "Date" TEXT,
  "Hectare Squirrel Number" TEXT,
  "Age" TEXT,
  "Primary Fur Color" TEXT,
  "Highlight Fur Color" TEXT,
  "Combination of Primary and Highlight Color" TEXT,
  "Color notes" TEXT,
  "Location" TEXT,
  "Above Ground Sighter Measurement" TEXT,
  "Specific Location" TEXT,
  "Running" TEXT,
  "Chasing" TEXT,
  "Climbing" TEXT,
  "Eating" TEXT,
  "Foraging" TEXT,
  "Other Activities" TEXT,
  "Kuks" TEXT,
  "Quaas" TEXT,
  "Moans" TEXT,
  "Tail flags" TEXT,
  "Tail twitches" TEXT,
  "Approaches" TEXT,
  "Indifferent" TEXT,
  "Runs from" TEXT,
  "Other Interactions" TEXT,
  "Lat/Long" TEXT,
  "Zip Codes" TEXT,
  "Community Districts" TEXT,
  "Borough Boundaries" TEXT,
  "City Council Districts" TEXT,
  "Police Precincts" TEXT
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